About Me

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I don't much care for human nature unless it's all candied over with art.


Where I Write

I'm trying to figure out if this is too many places:

1. Twitter, for bon mots.

2. Facebook, for photos family might like to see, and the occasionally spat re: politics.

3. Tumblr. I should barely count this because the most I'll ever write is a sentence or two praising some half-naked cosplayer. Otherwise I don't interact much with others and almost never make my own posts, except when it's to bitch about something that happened involving someone on my Twitter/FB/Internet Forum that isn't worth putting into my diary but those I usually delete after five minutes anyway because talking behind people's backs makes me feel bad.

Otherwise Tumblr is mostly a repository for articles and commentary on feminism and other social activism and pictures of things I might like to purchase on Etsy. This is still fun and good.

4. An Internet Forum That will Not Be Named. This is where I put personal silliness.

5. Big black hardcover book of half finished stories and doodles done in the bath (cover is waterproof).

6. Diary, for the very personal silliness.

7. Book of letters to my unborn son (awwww, valedictorian of prepping for baby).

8. Here?

9. Spiral bound notebook for current stories, kept in purse.

10. Massive binder of unfinished stories on loose leaf. Occasionally rifled through, rarely added to.

11. 'Writing' folder on my laptop. Abandon all hope, you who enter here.

12. Notepad. Mostly for lists, budgets, rough drafts of internet comments etc.

Will soon be adding 13. Baby book

Would I write more effectively if this was streamlined?

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